Saturday, March 24, 2007

Money Worries Killing You. Stop thinking about money

Recently, as I was surfing around the web, I found yet another website offering misguided, uninformed and irrelevant advice to people who are stressed, depressed or anxious. The site had the following advice for sufferers:

“Most people who become stressed, anxious or depressed do so because they are experiencing financial difficulties. Debt is a big problem for a lot of people, and many struggle to service debts because they are on a low income. Other factors include poverty, unemployment, and a feeling of worthlessness because financial aspirations haven’t been met. Money is one of the biggest causes of stress and depression in the Western world.”

It is a statement I have seen and heard from many people, from medical professionals to sufferers and of course, in many publications and websites. I’m sure you too will have either been told money is the root cause of your problems or heard it from various sources.

Identifying money as the root cause of stress, depression and anxiety is wholly inaccurate and completely wrong. Financial circumstances, no matter what they are, CANNOT cause you to become stressed, depressed and anxious. In fact, they have NOTHING to do with the root cause of these problems WHATSOEVER.

It is so easily proved it’s amazing that some people believe otherwise.

If financial hardships and poverty cause people to enter into an episode of mental trauma, then everyone who is poor, is in debt, or earns a low income must, by definition, be stressed, depressed or anxious. You are saying that if you are poor you must be stressed, depressed or anxious. Agreed?

Following on from this, logic would then dictate:

If you are wealthy, without debt and earning a high income, you cannot be depressed, stressed or anxious because the root cause doesn’t exist in your life.

To simplify: Poverty causes stress, depression and anxiety. Wealth does not.

Clearly, reality is greatly at odds with this.

Not everybody who has debts, earns a minimum wage, is poor and endures financial hardship is stressed, depressed or anxious. Indeed, many people throughout the world live in extreme poverty and yet they’re happy. Like me, I’m sure you know people who have very little but are perfectly happy with their lives.

And let’s not forget that many famous, wealthy people also suffer from stress, depression and anxiety. Abraham Lincoln, Rod Steiger, Winston Churchill, Robbie Williams are names that spring immediately to mind. In my own case, I reached my lowest point having paid off all of my debts including the mortgage and having more assets than ever before in my life.

None of it mattered to me at all.

The last line also gives an insight into how self-worth doesn’t derive from financial success. I drove a $25,000 sports car, owned two houses outright and had many investments and yet I felt life had nothing for me, that having lost everyone and everything I ever loved I’d completely ruined my life beyond repair and I just couldn’t take anymore.

So you can see, financial hardship does not and cannot cause you to become stressed, depressed or anxious. And financial success doesn’t mean that you’ll be free from mental trauma. That’s because the root cause as to why anyone enters into an episode of stress, depression and anxiety is because they perform flawed, harmful modes of thinking to make sense out of the circumstances they are faced with.

Address the modes of thinking at the root of these problems and you’ll take a giant stride towards conquering stress, depression and anxiety whether you’re as poor as a church mouse or as wealthy as a king.

Author's Bio

Former anxiety sufferer Chris Green is the author of “Conquering Stress”, the internationally acclaimed program which will help you to permanently conquer stress, depression and anxiety without taking powerful drugs. For more information please click here =>

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Want To Be Wealthy? Don't Stop Dreaming!

If I asked 100 people if they would like to be rich, I'm sure at least 98 of them would answer yes. Their answer might range from, "maybe if the conditions were right" to "YES, and make it fast!"

Most people think of the wealthy as being reserved and probably a bit cautious. The thinking goes that if the millionaire wasn't very cautious with how he spends his money, he wouldn't have a million dollars left.

But a closer look at who gets wealthy gives a far different picture. You see, at the very core of American business is a deep enthusiasm. People who get rich tend to be people who can make the most of the American business system. And those people tend to be gung-ho, enthusiastic, and more than eager to charge straight ahead. If you say, "I've got a way to make a lot of money, do you want to start tomorrow?" Most will reply, "Let's start NOW!"

One European marketing guru got it right when he said, "American business likes to jump in and take chances. In France they'll sit on a good idea until it's time has passed. Americans can't wait to get going." And I would certainly say that attitude toward business applies to everyone in North America, whether they be in the U.S. or not.

Here are several ways to light your own fire and get your business future on its way:

1. When you see a business opportunity, let your enthusiasm grow. Rather than thinking of all the ways the business might fail, spend time thinking ONLY of the ways it could succeed and succeed BIG.

2. Listen to those around you, but don't let your friends, family, and people at work talk you out of an idea you really believe in. Scientific studies show it's very hard to keep your beliefs solid when two or more people gang up on you. Keep in that in mind. If you start to see the downside of your business after talking to others, go back to step one and get yourself fired up again.

3. KEEP yourself fired up. It's not enough just to get excited at the start. You've got to get up every morning reminding yourself just how cool your business really is.

4. Try to surround yourself with people who see things as you do. That's a great way to keep your resolve and pump up your%

Friday, March 16, 2007

A Nice Mind Trick - To Release Your Resistance To Money

I have found this article on It seemed to be interesting for me and I suppose that It will be attractive for you too.

When you're thinking of money and it brings painful thoughts - what do you do? Trying to run from these thoughts or just switch from them to positive ones doesn't always work.

Then instead of running from the pain we can use it to our advantage.

Abraham-Hicks says, as our emotions are, so is what we get following our thoughts surrounded by these emotions. The stronger the emotions, the stronger you attract what you're thinking of, to you.

Which means, if you open your email and see no sales there and you feel strong pain "why doesn't the money come?" - it means, you attract to yourself the situations where you'll feel exactly this, that the money doesn't come.

Or if you're looking at a stack of bills you need to pay, or your credit card printouts bring you the feeling "why the money goes and goes, when will it start to come??"

But let's turn the pain to our best weapon! :)

They say you're having a strong emotion, strongly attract to you... something. And your feeling of pain is there because you resist what you want to come to you.

Then let's see it like this:

What we want, WANTS TO COME TO US. But we resist it, and by that we don't let it come to us. So when we see email without sales and feel pain, it's actually pain because MONEY WANTS TO COME TO US and we resist it! IT'S NOT THE PAIN THAT IT DOESN'T COME!

If you're a woman, you'll understand the analogy with giving birth: :) Grantly Dick-Read wrote about it - when in labor, normally the woman feels the pain only if she resists the baby going out. She heard from her childhood that labor is pain, and so she is afraid, so she contracts the muscles instead of relaxing and letting them stretch to release the baby. That's the basis of all modern and old techniques of giving birth naturally and painlessly.

SO try to realize it when you feel pain thinking about lacking what you want: the pain doesn't mean you hurt because of not having it, the pain means it WANTS TO COME TO YOU and your pain is from resistance only.

Imagine it: money wants to come to you so much, but you barricaded your doors and windows, holding the door as you only can, shouting NO!! :)

Please, please - release the hold, unbarricade even one window - you'll immediately feel better and you'll finally let what you want, come to you EASILY, QUICKLY and with FUN.

To beautiful life experience!

Copyright 2006 Olga Farber Becker

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Is Money Evil?

Maybe you think that "Money is the root of evil". But I'm not sure that is true. People who said this probably had negative experiences with money.

I suppose money is not evil. Money is a symbol of power and freedom. So don’t go into business with dollar signs in your eyes but instead with passion and honesty in your heart. Create an idea. If you chose idea, then trust me, the money will flow in. Also, don’t rush into anything, take time and really reflect on what is your passion. When you find it, turn it into a business that will be destined to succeed. In following post I'll point out how to generate and realize yout future ideas.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Introductrion in No-Money-Thinking

Ok. I think that time to introducing has come and I shoud tell something about this blog. Is clear that inspite of this blog's name, I'll concentrate on money and nothing else..
Maybe it's paradox. However that may be, now let's think about it.
What does chanche if you stop thinking about money? Does meaning of life disappear? Will you became a someone else? No.

But some changes will be definitely. You suddenly realize that you have a lot of time, power and opportunitys. Why? Cause if you don't have aim to earn money, you start to find new goals. And you'll work for ideas. This is inexpressible feeling.

Just try. Leave behind money and generate ideas. Do you think Bill Gates or Donald Trump want to have their millions? No. They just worked, worked hard, for their own ideas. It's may be a business idea or writing poems. It does not matter at all. Think over what I've said.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Money and Egoism

One team of psychologists run following experiment:

They hire several hundred college students to take part in adifference of experiments. In each experiment, the researchers subtly prompted half the volunteers to think of money–by having them read an essay that mentioned money, for example, or seating them facing a poster depicting different types of currency–before putting them in a social situation. In one experiment, the researchers gave volunteers a difficult puzzle and told them to ask for help at any time. People who had been reminded of money waited nearly 70% longer to seek help than those who hadn’t. People cued to think of money also spent only half as much time, on average, assisting another person who asked for their help with a word problem and picked up fewer pencils for someone who’d dropped them.

The antisocial behavior didn’t end there. Volunteers reminded of money preferred working alone even if sharing the task with a co-worker resulted in substantially less work. They also chose lonely leisure activities on a questionnaire–preferring a private cooking lesson, for instance, over a dinner for four. And when asked to set up two chairs for a get-to-know-you chat with another volunteer, subjects who’d seen a money-themed computer screensaver placed the chairs further apart than subjects who’d seen a fish screensaver. Taken together, the findings suggest that thinking of money puts people in a frame of mind in which they don’t want to depend on others and don’t want others to depend on them.

Is it good or not?

Thinking About Money - [Marketing & Strategy Innovation Blog]

Monday, March 12, 2007

True about money

My friend, I want to tell you some damn true about money that rustle in your pocket.
It's a common truth. Your emolument, no matter how huge, can never make you happy.

Here’s some reasons why.

Most people are wrong when they think that having a higher income would make them happier.

The opinion that high salary is associated with succes life is prevalent but mostly supposed. People with above-average income are relatively satisfied with their lives but are barely happier than others in moment-to-moment experience, tend to be more tense, and do not spend more time in minutely enjoyable activities.

The problem is that people still act on their erroneous belief that making more money makes them happier:

In spite of the weak relationship between income and global life satisfaction, many people are highly motivated to improve their income. In some cases, this focusing phantom may lead to a misallocation of time, from accepting lengthy commutes (which are among the worst moments of the day) to sacrificing time spent socializing (which are among the best moments of the day).

So don't be crazy and forget your rush for wealth. Always thinking of money is bad for you.